srtree- A general library to work with Symbolic Regression expression trees.
Copyright(c) Fabricio Olivetti 2021 - 2024
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Pattern matching and rule application functions Heavily based on hegg (https:/github.comalt-romes/hegg by alt-romes)



type DB = Map (SRTree ()) IntTrie #

data IntTrie #




Instances details
Show IntTrie # 
Instance details

Defined in Algorithm.EqSat.EqSatDB

data Pattern #


Fixed (SRTree Pattern) 
VarPat Char 


Instances details
IsString Pattern # 
Instance details

Defined in Algorithm.EqSat.EqSatDB


fromString :: String -> Pattern #

Floating Pattern # 
Instance details

Defined in Algorithm.EqSat.EqSatDB

Num Pattern # 
Instance details

Defined in Algorithm.EqSat.EqSatDB

Fractional Pattern # 
Instance details

Defined in Algorithm.EqSat.EqSatDB

Show Pattern # 
Instance details

Defined in Algorithm.EqSat.EqSatDB

data Rule #


Pattern :=> Pattern infix 3 
Pattern :==: Pattern infix 3 
Rule :| Condition infixl 2 


Instances details
Show Rule # 
Instance details

Defined in Algorithm.EqSat.EqSatDB


showsPrec :: Int -> Rule -> ShowS #

show :: Rule -> String #

showList :: [Rule] -> ShowS #

type Query = [Atom] #

data Atom #


Instances details
Show Atom # 
Instance details

Defined in Algorithm.EqSat.EqSatDB


showsPrec :: Int -> Atom -> ShowS #

show :: Atom -> String #

showList :: [Atom] -> ShowS #

createDB :: EGraph -> DB #

createDB creates a database of patterns from an e-graph it simply calls addToDB for every pair (e-node, e-class id) from the e-graph.

addToDB :: ENode -> EClassId -> State DB () #

addToDB adds an e-node and e-class id to the database

trie :: EClassId -> IntMap IntTrie -> IntTrie #

Creates a singleton trie from an e-class id

populate :: Maybe IntTrie -> [EClassId] -> Maybe IntTrie #

Populates an IntTrie with a sequence of e-class ids

classOfENode :: CostFun -> Map ClassOrVar ClassOrVar -> Pattern -> EGraphST (Maybe EClassId) #

gets the e-node of the target of the rule TODO: add consts and modify

reprPrat :: CostFun -> Map ClassOrVar ClassOrVar -> Pattern -> EGraphST EClassId #

adds the target of the rule into the e-graph

isValidConditions :: Condition -> (Map ClassOrVar ClassOrVar, ClassOrVar) -> EGraph -> Bool #

returns True if the condition of a rule is valid for that match

match :: DB -> Pattern -> [(Map ClassOrVar ClassOrVar, ClassOrVar)] #

Returns the substitution rules for every match of the pattern source inside the e-graph.

compileToQuery :: Pattern -> (Query, ClassOrVar) #

Returns a Query (list of atoms) of a pattern

getElems :: SRTree a -> [a] #

returns the list of the children values

genericJoin :: DB -> Query -> [Map ClassOrVar ClassOrVar] #

Creates the substituion map for the pattern variables for each one of the matched subgraph

domainX :: DB -> ClassOrVar -> Query -> [ClassOrVar] #

returns the e-class id for a certain variable that matches the pattern described by the atoms

intersectAtoms :: ClassOrVar -> DB -> Query -> [EClassId] #

returns all e-class id that can matches this sequence of atoms

intersectTries :: ClassOrVar -> Map ClassOrVar EClassId -> IntTrie -> [ClassOrVar] -> Maybe (Set EClassId) #

searches for the intersection of e-class ids that matches each part of the query. Returns Nothing if the intersection is empty.

var is the current variable being investigated xs is the map of ids being investigated and their corresponding e-class id trie is the current trie of the pattern (i:ids) sequence of root : children of the atom to investigate

updateVar :: ClassOrVar -> ClassOrVar -> Query -> Query #

updates all occurrence of var with the new id x

isDiffFrom :: Int -> ClassOrVar -> Bool #

checks whether two ClassOrVar are different only check if it is a pattern variable, else returns true

elemOfAtom :: ClassOrVar -> Atom -> Bool #

checks if v is an element of an atom

orderedVars :: Query -> [ClassOrVar] #

sorts the variables in a query by the most frequently occurring