Fabricio Olivetti de França
Professor of Computer Science and Bachelor in Science & Technology.
Graduation program in Computer Science (POSCOMP)
Center for Mathematics, Computation and Cognition (CMCC)
Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)
Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2010)
University of Campinas (Unicamp)
Lattes CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8788356220698686
Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1FgxaZ0AAAAJ&hl=en
Research interests
Machine Learning, Data Mining, Data Science, Big Data and Optimization problems.
Specifically I’m currently interested in: Biclustering and Co-Clustering Algorithms, Explicit and Interpretable Models (Decision Trees, Symbolic Regression), Recommender Systems, Multimodal Optimization, Uncertainties, Heuristics and Meta-heuristics, Bio-inspired computing.
Prospective Students / Alunos Candidatos
Read my current research interests and current projects / Leia meus atuais interesses de pesquisa e meus projetos atuais.
Send an e-mail indicating the position (intern, Ms.C/Ph.D student, Post-doc), the project you are interested in working on, a brief description of yourself, a brief research project proposal, and any other additional information (grade history, published papers, github repository, portfolio, etc.). / Envie um e-mail indicando para qual vaga deseja se inscrever (iniciação científica, mestrado/doutorado, pós-doc), o projeto que gostaria de trabalhar, uma breve descrição sua, uma breve descrição da proposta de pesquisa, e quaisquer outras informações que julgar pertinente (histórico escolar, artigos publicados, repositório do github, portfolio, etc.)
Sample material to read: Symbolic Regression, Co-clustering, Multimodal Optimization, and more to be added soon.